6. Adapting buildings: further resources


On this page:



Tools and resources



Type of Resource

Climate Just Link

Adapting UK dwellings to reduce overheating during heatwaves: Retrofit Advice Tool (CREW)

Aimed at designers, decision makers and householders to support the assessment of options for retrofitting homes based on property type and characteristics.

Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD) and De Montfort University.


Adapting Buildings

Online Tool

Crew Retrofit Advice Tool

Heatwave plan for England

Website with the latest documents and plans for heat wave events in England


Health and Social Care Sector

Report and Actions

Heatwave Plan for England

Heatwave Plan for Scotland

Website with the materials to support planning for, and responding to, heat wave events in Scotland

Safer Scotland

Health and Social Care Sector


Report and Actions

Heatwave Plan fror Scotland

Heatwave Plan for Wales

Website with the latest documents and plans for heat wave events in Wales

Welsh Government

Health and Social Care Sector


Report and Actions

Heatwave Plan for Wales

Built Infrastructure for Older People’s Care in Conditions of Climate Change (BIOPICCC) Toolkit

Aimed at anyone with a role in supporting health and social care for older people. Resources cover understanding needs and protecting infrastructure.

Durham University

Health and Social Care

Online Tool


Guidance on flood protection products Provides information on likely costs and links to other information sources such as the Flood Protection Association, associated professional bodies and the Kitemark accreditation scheme

Environment Agency



Prepare For A Flood

National Flood Forum

Information about property level adaptations and other ways to build flood resilience, including the Blue Pages directory of available services and products. These should be read in conjunction with the Environment Agency’s own guidance.

National Flood Forum


National Flood Forum

Property Care Association information about the different types of flooding associated with residential and commercial buildings and a range of possible technical response measures which can be used.

Property Care Association (Flood Protection Group)


Flood Protection Group

Overheating in Homes

Supports the comparison of different adaptation options

Zero Carbon Hub (2013)

High temperatures


Zero Carbon Hub

Royal Institute of British Architect (RIBA) has published a number of climate change toolkits, including on Designing for Flood Risk

RIBA (various)

Report-based toolkit

Architecture: Sustainability and Climate Change 

Legal Rights and Duties relating to flooding for property owners

Covers the legal framework, frequently asked questions and a set of further resources

UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA)

Online summary of points of environmental law

Environment Law 

Six Steps to Flood Resilience

Designed to address the lack of easy-to-use guidance to support the use of novel flood resilience measures in planning, this resource provides a process to follow and resources for further information

Building Research Establishment, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Manchester


Guidance document

Six Steps To Flood Resilience 

Governments Soft Landing for built asset procurement. Guidance for setting up performance related payment schedules which can be used to ensure the effectiveness of adaptation measures.

Building Information Modelling Task Group

Guidance, resources and case studies.

BIM task Group 








Type of Resource


Adaptation by Design

Provides a concise and easy-to-understand introduction to solutions at building, neighbourhood and conurbation scale.

Town and Country Planning Association (2011)


Town and Country Planning Association Report

Adapting Buildings: a literature review A more general introduction into the range of social and technical considerations when adapting buildings for climate change can be found here

Ecocities (2011)


Adapting Buildings Review 

Beating the Heat



UKCIP Report 

Building Comfort for Older Age: Designing and managing thermal comfort in low carbon housing for older people. A report on improving the thermal comfort of older people (including overheating and coldness) in a range of settings gives recommendations and potential solutions depending on the type of living arrangement, for example, care homes, extra-care homes and private dwellings

Various (2013)


Building Comfort for Older Age 

Investigation into Overheating in Homes Literature Review



Overheating Homes 

Overheating in Homes

Supports the comparison of different adaptation options

Zero Carbon Hub (2013)

High temperatures


Zero Carbon Hub

Present and future flood vulnerability, risk and disadvantage: A UK scale assessment. 

Recent assessment of flood risk, including a consideration of the exposure of new developments and adaptations.  


Sayers & Partners LLP report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Report Present and future flood vulnerability, risk and disadvantage: A UK scale assessment



Case studies




Type of Resource


Adaptation in Action Case Studies

Brief summaries of various adaptation measures, including building resilience and green infrastructure measures for homes and other building types.  

Environment Agency

Set of online case studies

Environment Agency

Design for Future Climate (D4FC) competition: project outputs for Phases 1 and 2: Fact sheet and a map of the location of adapted buildings.

Innovate UK

Set of case study fact sheets

Innovate UK

Technology Strategy Board Case Studies

Summaries of technological solutions and building adaptations to flood, heat and other climate-related hazards. Also see their Knowledge Summaries

Innovate UK Knowledge Exchange Network

Online case studies (registration required for full access)

Innovate UK  Network

Starting up a flood action group, Flood Action4 Buckingham

An example of one of the 160+ flood action groups supported which bring communities together, support people through the preparation process and provide a point of contact for the variety of agencies that help to manage flooding

Climate Just team with Roger Parkinson

Internal case study

Flood action groups


Community flood warden scheme – Doncaster

How communities and service providers in Doncaster were able to learn from flooding events in 2007 in order to develop a community flood warden scheme in affected areas.

Climate Just team with Rosalind McDonagh, Doncaster Borough Council

Internal case study

Community Flood Warden Schemes


Case study of adapting social housing. Includes information about the process followed for identifying priorities and formulating plans for adapting a 4000 strong housing stock

Octavia Housing

Online case study (external)

Octavia Housing 

Your social housing in a changing climate Worked example of a retrofit of a residential tower block used for social housing. The retrofit covered issues of over-heating, water scarcity and flooding

Arup study on behalf of the Three Regions Climate Group and published by London Climate Change Partnership

Case study aimed at social housing providers

London Climate Change Partnership