6. Where

On this page:


Please note that although the In depth: which places are disadvantaged message has been updated, the resources in this section are from 2015. A selected number of new resources are listed in the existing tools and guidance area of this site.

Tools and resources



Type of Resource

Climate Just map data User Guide This document provides technical information about the indicators and index shown on the map data. It needs to be used alongside any downloaded data.

University of Manchester

Technical Guidance

Climate Just worked example Use this resource to understand how a profile of a local area can be developed from the provided data for your area

University of Manchester


A grid based approach to estimating social vulnerability and potential exposure to flood and heat-waves. A technical document explaining the way that Hampshire County Council mapped social vulnerability

Hampshire County Council

‘How to’ document

Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCLIP)

Designed to support the UKCIP Climate Adaptation Wizard, this tool supports the assessment of past weather-related events and their impacts as a basis for understanding the possible impacts of future weather-related events.


Guidance and Spreadsheets

Community Resilience Toolkit

Aimed at local communities and the organisations working with them, this set of resources supports the process of understanding local needs and developing emergency plans based on those needs

Cabinet Office (UK)


Reports, checklists and case studies

Severe Weather Impacts Monitoring System (SWIMS)

A data collection tool to encourage learning around the impacts of and responses to past extreme weather events as the basis for improved future decision-making.

Kent County Council

Online Tool

Built Infrastructure for Older People’s Care in Conditions of Climate Change (BIOPICCC) Toolkit

Aimed at anyone with a role in supporting health and social care for older people. Resources cover understanding needs and protecting infrastructure.

Durham University

Health and Social Care

Online Tool

Advice produced through the Heat-wave plan for England 2013

The heat-wave plan contains advice for a range of practitioners and the public

Supporting vulnerable people before and during a heatwave – Advice for health and social care professionals

Looking after yourself and others during hot weather – The latest advice

Public Health England

Advice for different groups

Public Health Outcomes Data Tool

A set of indicators and associated data about public health and health inequalities supporting the Public Health Outcomes Framework. Data Indicators are updated on a regular basis and available at a range of geographies across England

Public Health England

Health sector


Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE)

A mapping tool principally aiming to support strategic planning of health services and infrastructure but which has a role in providing more effective adaptation solutions.


Health Sector

Online Tool

Advice for care home managers and staff: supporting vulnerable people before and during a heat-wave


Public Health England

Health sector

Guidance document

Advice for health and social care practitioners: supporting vulnerable people before and during a heat-wave

Public Health England

Health sector

Guidance document

Six Steps to Flood Resilience

Designed to address the lack of easy-to-use guidance to support the use of novel flood resilience measures in planning, this resource provides a process to follow and resources for further information

Building Research Establishment, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Manchester

Guidance document

Climate Adaptation Wizard

This long-standing tool provides the basis for supported decision-making in relation to climate change risk assessment and climate adaptation planning.

UKCIP/Environment Agency

Documents and online materials; connected tools






Type of Resource

Case studies of adaptation to climate change in south-west England.

Benzie et al (2011)


Impacts of climate change on disadvantaged UK coastal communities

Zsamboky et al (2011)


Pluvial (rain-related) flooding in urban areas: the invisible hazard.

Houston et al (2011)


Climate change, justice and vulnerability

Lindley et al (2011)


UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: Evidence Report, London



Sustainable, Resilient, Healthy People & Places A Sustainable Development Strategy for the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

Public Health England and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit (2014)


Adaptation to Climate Change for Health and Social care organisations “ Co-ordinated, Resilient, Prepared”.

NHS Sustainable development Unit (2012)


Telecare: a crucial opportunity to help save our health and social care system

Yeandle (2009)



Case studies and examples




Type of Resource

A county perspective on social vulnerability assessment and its uses: the case of Hampshire This case study outlines how Hampshire County Council initiated and implemented an assessment of social vulnerability.

Hampshire County Council

Case study

Creating a core cities mapping tool for responding to climate change related extreme weather This case study documents the creation of a GIS mapping tool that would allow partners within and outside of Leeds City Council to prepare for and respond to climate change related extreme weather and which could be transferred to the remaining core cities and other areas

Leeds City Council

Case Study

Using Climate Just data in Wigan Outline of how JBA consultants worked with Wigan Council to use the ClimateJust data to develop local adaptation measures

JBA consultants & Wigan Council

Guidance & Case Study

Greater Manchester Local Climate Impacts Profile


Online example of an LCLIP

Example of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

London Borough of Hackney

Online material (external)


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Benzie, M, Harvey, A, Burningham, K, Hodgson, N and Siddiqi, A (2011) Vulnerability to heatwaves and drought: adaptation to climate change, JRF

CABE (2010) “Urban Green Nation: Building the evidence base”, Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, London.

Cutter, S. L., Emrich, C. T., Webb, J. J. and Morath, D. (2009) Social Vulnerability to Climate Variability Hazards: A Review of the Literature. Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute, University of South Carolina, Columbia. [Accessed 20 November 2009]

Curtis, K.J. & Schneider, A. (2011) “Understanding the demographic implications of climate change: estimates of localized population predictions under future scenarios of sea-level rise”, Population and Environment, 33(1), pp. 28–54.

DCLG (2011) The English Indices of Deprivation 2010 Neighbourhoods Statistical Release Last accessed May 2014.

Defra (2009) Appraisal of flood and coastal erosion risk management: A Defra policy statement

Defra and the Environment Agency (2011) Understanding the risks, empowering communities, building resilience The national flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England

Defra (2011a) Guidance for risk management authorities on sustainable development in relation to their flood and coastal erosion risk management functions

Defra (2011b) DEFRA (2011b) Mainstreaming sustainable development – The Government’s vision and what this means in practice

Greater London Authority (2006) London's Urban Heat Island summary report

Hajat, S., Kovats, R.S., Lachowycz, K. (2007) “Heat-related and cold-related deaths in England and Wales: who is at risk?”, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 64, pp. 93-100.

Houston, D., Werritty, A., Bassett, D., Geddes, A., Hoolachan, A. & McMillan, M. (2011) “Pluvial (rain-related) flooding in urban areas : the invisible hazard”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York

IPCC (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Parry, M. L., Canziani, O. F., Palutikof, J. P., van der Linden, P. J. and Hanson, C. E. (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Knight, J. & Allan, J. (2011) “Impacts of climate change on disadvantaged UK coastal communities”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.

Lindley, S. J., O’Neill, J., Kandeh, J., Lawson, N., Christian, R. & O’Neill M. (2011) “Climate change, justice and vulnerability”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Report, York

Lindley, S. J and O’Neill, J. (2013) Flood disadvantage in Scotland: mapping the potential losses in well-being. Scottish Government Social Research

McGregor, G. R., Pelling, M., Wolf, T. and Gosling, S. (2007) The Social Impacts of Heatwaves, Science Report – SC20061/SR6. Environment Agency.

Oven, K.J. et al. (2012) Climate change and health and social care: Defining future hazard, vulnerability and risk for infrastructure systems supporting older people’s health care in England, Applied Geography, 33(1): 16–24

Preston, I., Banks, N., Hargreaves, K. Kazmierczak, A., Lucas, K., Mayne, R., Downing, C and Street, R  (2014) Climate Change and Social Justice: an evidence review

SNIFFER (2009) Differential social impacts of climate change in the UK. SNIFFER Project UKCC22.

Tapsell, S. M., Tunstall, S. M., Green, C. and Fernandez, A. (2005) Indicator set. Report T11-07-01 of FLOODsite Integrated Project, Flood Hazard Research Centre, Enfield. Tapsall, et al., 2005

Walker, G., Burningham, K., Fielding, J., Smith, G., Thrush, D. & Fay, H. (2006) “Using science to create a better place: Addressing Environmental Inequalities: Flood Risk”, Science Report: SC020061/SR1, Environment Agency, Bristol

GOV.UK Discrimination: your rights (webpage) and Definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010

Public Health England (2013) Heatwave Plan for England

Office for National Statistics (2013) A Profile of Deprivation in Larger English Seaside Destinations, 2007 and 2010