Community Resilience toolkit

Community Resilience toolkit

Developed by: Cabinet Office, UK

The Community Resilience Toolkit is a set of government produced resources to help communities, and the organisations that support them, to make emergency plans and to prepare for emergencies related to extreme weather. There are community emergency templates and check-lists for action which assist people in the process of understanding the needs of their local community, identifying those who might need the most help and then working out ways in which people can work together to coordinate with emergency responders to increase community resilience.

Using this tool may help to give voice and power to local communities in taking an active part in the decisions that affect them and how emergencies, such as floods, should be best handled. While there is no direct focus on social vulnerability, users can identify who might be amongst the most socially vulnerable in their communities to provide extra support for them in planning for emergencies.

The toolkits and templates are available in a number of versions. Although they are not available in accessible web format, accessible versions can be obtained via email please email quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the publication. They cover:

  • Strategic National Framework on Community Resilience
  • Preparing for Emergencies - Guide for Communities
  • Community Emergency Plan Toolkit
  • Community Emergency Plan Template

Access the toolkit here.