

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies

Strategies developed from the outcomes of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

JSNAs “analyse the health needs of populations to inform and guide commissioning of health, well-being and social care services within local authority areas.1 They provide ‘a comprehensive analysis of the current and future needs and assets’ of local areas. Assets are defined as ‘anything that can be used to improve outcomes and impact on the wider determinants of health. This could be facilities such as a One Stop Shop, or green spaces; but also local businesses, local providers with a specific expertise, or capacity within the local community, such as lunch clubs for isolated older people. This includes needs and assets relevant to health, social care and public health across the full lifecourse, covering children, young people and adults; and involves an analysis of the wider determinants of health’.2


  1. NHS confederation, 2011
  2. DoH (2011) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and joint health and wellbeing strategies explained