

Partnership working

Activities undertaken with one or more organisations where there are shared objectives or goals.

Passivhaus standards

A housing standard which is based on maintaining internal thermal comfort though maximising energy input from passive sources, like the sun, and minimising losses through the fabric of a building.


Passivhaus Trust


A map of certified passivhaus in the UK

Pluvial flooding

In England, usually referred to as urban flooding ‘caused by rainfall overwhelming drainage capacity’ (Parliamentary Office of Science andTechnology, 2007, p. 1)  Also called surface water flooding.


Houston, D (2011), p88.


JRF's definition of poverty is ‘When a person’s resources (mainly their material resources) are not sufficient to meet their minimum needs (including social participation).’

Poverty premium

A ‘poverty premium’ occurs when the detriment to households of having low incomes is compounded by them having to pay more than others for essential goods and services.  For example, households on low incomes can have a heavily reduced choice in term of utility tariffs meaning that, despite relatively low consumption they pay more on average per unit consumed. This may include paying additional charges or higher prices because of the way they carry out transactions.


Hirsch, D. (2013) Addressing the Poverty Premium: Approaches to regulation. A report published by Consumer Futures with support from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.


Probability is a way of expressing knowledge or belief that an event will occur, and is a concept most people are familiar with in everyday life. In mathematics, there are two types of probability. Most people are familiar with objective probability, which is the likelihood of an outcome based on empirical observations and information. The second type of probability, subjective probability, is where the likelihood of an outcome is based on the strength of belief in different outcomes.


From Ecocities, based on UK Climate Projections 2009

Procedural justice

Procedural justice concerns the ways in which decisions are made, in particular who has the power to affect policy responses to climate change and how decision making procedures benefit and burden different individuals and groups.


Adapted from the ClimateJust presentation Why are socially just responses to climate change important?


Proxy indicators provide an indirect representation of the factor which they are intending to represent.



Public Health Outcomes Framework

Healthy lives, healthy people: Improving outcomes and supporting transparency1 outlines aims for public health and provides indicators through which progress towards meeting them can be measured. Indicators are organised into four domains and updated quarterly2.


  1. Public Health Outcomes Framework 2013-2016
  2. Overarching Indicators


More information on health and vulnerability and what responses can be considered is available here